Primary Care Dialogues Podcast

The first Greek Primary Health Care and Public Health podcast!
A podcast with the goal of always having something interesting to say!
The podcast aspires to bring together all those who love and work in Primary Health Care and Public Health throughout Greece in a direct way and to contribute to the advancement and promotion of these important sectors of health.
The aim of the podcast is to bring visibility to neglected healthcare aspects and health issues unexplored in conventional medical education and to promote health as a human right. It discusses issues relating to primary health care, public health, and health for all, aspiring to promote the fundamental role of young people in making healthcare more people-centered, accessible, equitable, and sustainable.
In the podcast, we host discussions between health professionals at various stages of their careers and interviews with experts on a variety of topics. We also talk about simple everyday issues that concern us.
Meet the team of the Primary Care Dialogues Podcast!

Giannis Galiotos
General Practice/ Family Medicine physician; Emergency Department Physician, General Hospital of Thessaloniki "G. Papanikolaou"
General Practice/ Family Medicine physician; Emergency Department Physician, General Hospital of Thessaloniki "G. Papanikolaou"
Short Bio
Giannis Galiotos is a General Practice/ Family Medicine Physician with further training in Emergency Pre-Hospital Medicine. He works at the General Hospital of Thessaloniki "G. Papanikolaou" as an Emergency Department Physician (Fast Track Clinic, Resuscitation, Triage). He also maintains a private practice office in Koufalia, Thessaloniki.

Panagiotis Paraskevopoulos
Resident doctor in General Practice/ Family Medicine, University General Hospital of Thessaloniki "AHEPA" and Health Care Unit "Nea Madytos"; Master's Student in Public Health and Health Policy
Resident doctor in General Practice/ Family Medicine, University General Hospital of Thessaloniki "AHEPA" and Health Care Unit "Nea Madytos"; Master's Student in Public Health and Health Policy
Short Bio
Panagiotis Paraskevopoulos graduated from the Department of Medicine of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki in 2020. He has been a resident doctor in General Practice/ Family Medicine at the University General Hospital of Thessaloniki "AHEPA", and at the Health Care Unit at Nea Madytos since 2021. Since 2022, he has attended the Master's program "Public Health and Health Policy" in the laboratory of Primary Health Care, General Practice, and Health Services Research at the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki. He actively participates in scientific conferences, workshops, and initiatives within the themes of Primary Health Care, Public Health, Social Determinants of Health, Preventive Medicine, and Health Services.

Evangelia Savvidou
Medical Doctor; Master's Student in Public Health and Health Policy
Medical Doctor; Master's Student in Public Health and Health Policy
Short Bio
Evangelia Savvidou is a Medical Doctor awaiting the start of her Pediatrics residency program and a Master's student in Public Health and Health Policy. Since 2017, she has been an associate of the Laboratory of Primary Health Care, General Practice, and Health Services Research and the Clinical Skills and Simulation Centre, being actively involved in a variety of educational and research projects. She is collaborating with the WHO Regional Office for Europe in the context of the Evidence into Action Alcohol Project (EVID-ACTION). She is an Author at the Medical Student Alliance for Global Education, ScholarRx. She has an extensive background in youth work, which culminates in her being the Coordinator (founding) of the UN Sustainable Development Solutions Network (SDSN) Youth Black Sea. She engages with medical and non-formal education. Her interests concern public health, planetary health, child and adolescent health, medical education, and sustainable development.

Emmanouil Smyrnakis
General Practice/ Family Medicine physician; Associate Professor of Primary Health Care and Medical Education at the Department of Medicine AUTh
General Practice/ Family Medicine physician; Associate Professor of Primary Health Care and Medical Education at the Department of Medicine AUTh
Short Bio
Emmanouil Smyrnakis is a General Practice/ Family Medicine physician and an Associate Professor of Primary Health Care and Medical Education at the Laboraty of Primary Health Care, General Practice, and Health Services Research at the Department of Medicine, AUTh. He is a member of the National Vaccination Committee. He is the coordinator of the Education Network in Primary Health Care and General Practice, the Primary Health Care Research Network of AUTh, and a founding member of the Clinical Skills and Simulation Centre, which he has coordinated since 2004. As a General Education Coordinator for the specialty of General Practice/ Family Medicine (GP/FM) in Central Macedonia, he is responsible for the educational program in the Primary Health Care units and hospitals that train GP/FM residents. Since 2016, he has been a member of the GP/FM Examination Committee in Northern Greece, and since 2023, he has been a member of the group of experts for the medical specialization of GP/FM of the Central Health Council. Improving the quality of education for medical students and GP/FM residents is among the most important priorities in his work.
Meet the partners of the Primary Care Dialogues Podcast!
- Vangelis Arvanitakis, Resident doctor in General Practice/ Family Medicine, General Hospital of Thessaloniki "Papanikolaou"; Master's Student in Health Services Management
- Georgia Dimitriadou, Resident doctor in General Practice/ Family Medicine, University General Hospital of Thessaloniki "AHEPA" and Health Care Unit "Nea Madytos"
- Stella Lianou, Resident doctor in General Practice/ Family Medicine, General Hospital of Thessaloniki "Ippokrateio"; Master's Student in Global Health - Disaster Medicine
- Katerina Metochianaki, Nurse; Master's Student in Primary Health Care
- Katerina Mpourtzinakou, Resident doctor in General Surgery, General Hospital of Thessaloniki "Papanikolaou"
- Aristofanis Paganas, General Practice/ Family Medicine physician; Director, Health Care Unit "Litochoro"; MSc in Health Units Management
- Panagiotis Stachteas, Resident doctor in Cardiology, General Hospital of Thessaloniki "Ippokrateio"; MSc in Primary Health Care; PhD Candidate at the Department of Medicine AUTh
- Sofia Tzila, Resident doctor in General Practice/ Family Medicine, General Hospital of Veria
- Ilias Chatzitheofanous, Resident doctor in General Practice/ Family Medicine, General Hospital of Thessaloniki "Ippokrateio"; MSc in Health Units Management
Listen to our episodes!

Episode 01 - Let's introduce ourselves!
In the first episode, you will find out who is behind the podcast, which people it is aimed at, and which topics will be the subject of the discussion.

Episode 02 - The Specialty of General Practice/ Family Medicine
In the second episode, we discuss the specialty of General Practice/ Family Medicine and the possibilities it offers for education, research, and work in Greece and abroad, as well as the role of the General Practice/ Family Medicine physician in the national health system.
A discussion with Manolis Smyrnakis, Giannis Galiotos, and Katerina Bourtzinakou. Hosted by Eva Savvidou.
A discussion with Manolis Smyrnakis, Giannis Galiotos, and Katerina Bourtzinakou. Hosted by Eva Savvidou.

Episode 03 - Seasonal Flu and Flu Vaccination
In the third episode, we discuss the epidemiology of seasonal flu in Greece, the available flu vaccines, the importance of vaccinating health professionals and vulnerable groups, and strategies to increase vaccination coverage.
Guests: Magda Gavana, Postdoctoral Researcher at the Laboratory of Primary Health Care, General Medicine, and Health Services Research, and Epidemiologist; and Manolis Smyrnakis, Associate Professor of Primary Health Care and Medical Education and Member of the National Vaccination Committee. Hosted by Panagiotis Paraskevopoulos and Eva Savvidou.
Guests: Magda Gavana, Postdoctoral Researcher at the Laboratory of Primary Health Care, General Medicine, and Health Services Research, and Epidemiologist; and Manolis Smyrnakis, Associate Professor of Primary Health Care and Medical Education and Member of the National Vaccination Committee. Hosted by Panagiotis Paraskevopoulos and Eva Savvidou.

Episode 04 - Accessibility of Disabled People to Health Services
In the fourth episode, we discuss disability, the accessibility of health services, and the role of health professionals and PHC in highlighting disability and treating disabled people without stereotypes and with more respect.
Guests: Lina Kalle, Trainer in Mobility, Orientation, and Daily Living Skills for Individuals with Visual Impairment; and Panagiotis Tsalis, Civil Engineer specializing in accessibility, both members of Accessibe Limitless Living. Hosted by Eva Savvidou and Panagiotis Paraskevopoulos.
Guests: Lina Kalle, Trainer in Mobility, Orientation, and Daily Living Skills for Individuals with Visual Impairment; and Panagiotis Tsalis, Civil Engineer specializing in accessibility, both members of Accessibe Limitless Living. Hosted by Eva Savvidou and Panagiotis Paraskevopoulos.

Episode 05 - Opportunities for Educational Mobility Abroad as part of the Residency training
In the fifth episode we discuss, while virtually travelling to Bolivia, the opportunity provided to medical residents to complete a part of their residency in a foreign country, while maintaining their position in Greece, and to recognize this time as part of their official training.
Guest: Michalis Terzakis, Resident Doctor in General/Family Medicine, MSc in Public Health - Health Policy, who completed part of his specialization in Bolivia. He discusses with Vangelis Arvanitakis and Eva Savvidou.
Guest: Michalis Terzakis, Resident Doctor in General/Family Medicine, MSc in Public Health - Health Policy, who completed part of his specialization in Bolivia. He discusses with Vangelis Arvanitakis and Eva Savvidou.

Episode 06 - Climate Crisis and Planetary Health
In the sixth episode we discuss planetary health and the multiple impacts of climate change on human health, explore ways to promote our health and mitigate climate change, and reflect on our role as health professionals.
A discussion between Eva Savvidou and Panagiotis Paraskevopoulos.
A discussion between Eva Savvidou and Panagiotis Paraskevopoulos.

Episode 07 - Breast Cancer: A discussion with Alma Zois
In the seventh episode, we discuss breast cancer from the perspective of the national association 'Alma Zois.' We explore the role of healthcare professionals and the position of Primary Health Care in prevention, early diagnosis, and monitoring.
Guest: Marousa Protopapadaki, Vice President of Alma Zois Thessaloniki. She discusses with Katerina Bourtzinakou.
Guest: Marousa Protopapadaki, Vice President of Alma Zois Thessaloniki. She discusses with Katerina Bourtzinakou.

Episode 08 - Modern Perspectives on Pharmacological Management of Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus
In the eighth episode, we discuss diabetes mellitus and the latest developments in its pharmacological treatment, the importance of dietary measures and preventive examinations, and the role of Primary Health Care in the prevention and treatment of the disease.
Guest: Aris Liakos, Assistant Professor of Internal Medicine and Evidence-Based Medicine, working at the Diabetology Center of the 2nd Internal Medicine Clinic at Hippocrates Hospital of Thessaloniki. He discusses with Vangelis Arvanitakis.
Guest: Aris Liakos, Assistant Professor of Internal Medicine and Evidence-Based Medicine, working at the Diabetology Center of the 2nd Internal Medicine Clinic at Hippocrates Hospital of Thessaloniki. He discusses with Vangelis Arvanitakis.

Episode 09 - Cinematic Art and Narrative Medicine in Education
In the ninth episode, we explore the cinematic arts and narrative medicine as methods of education for healthcare professionals and we discuss how they can be integrated into educational programs, exploring relevant initiatives at the Faculty of Medicine, AUTh.
Guest: Marientina Gotsi, Professor of Cinematic Arts Practice at the University of Southern California and Visiting Professor at the Medical School of Aristotle University of Thessaloniki. She discusses with Manolis Smyrnakis.
Guest: Marientina Gotsi, Professor of Cinematic Arts Practice at the University of Southern California and Visiting Professor at the Medical School of Aristotle University of Thessaloniki. She discusses with Manolis Smyrnakis.

Episode 10 - Examination of Individuals with Obesity: Do we have a Role in Primary Health Care?
In the tenth episode, we discuss obesity as a disease and the way in which the primary healthcare physician can approach, diagnose, inform, and mobilize individuals living with obesity.
Guest: Despoina Vasilakou, Internist and Clinical Dietitian, General Hospital of Thessaloniki "Ippokrateio". She discusses with Manolis Smyrnakis and Giannis Galiotos.
Guest: Despoina Vasilakou, Internist and Clinical Dietitian, General Hospital of Thessaloniki "Ippokrateio". She discusses with Manolis Smyrnakis and Giannis Galiotos.

Episode 11 - Can Happiness be prescribed?
This episode was part of the 26th Thessaloniki International Documentary Festival!
In the eleventh episode, we discuss happiness: what it is, what influences people's levels of happiness, and how individuals can feel happier.
A discussion between Eva Savvidou and Panagiotis Paraskevopoulos.
In the eleventh episode, we discuss happiness: what it is, what influences people's levels of happiness, and how individuals can feel happier.
A discussion between Eva Savvidou and Panagiotis Paraskevopoulos.

Episode 12 - Osteoporosis: Understanding the Guidelines
In the twelfth episode, we discuss the guidelines for the prevention, diagnosis, treatment, and monitoring of osteoporosis, aiming to provide a helpful resource for healthcare professionals.
Guest: Aristofanis Paganas, General Practice / Family Medicine Physician at the Litochoro Health Center. He discusses with Georgia Dimitriadou and Panagiotis Paraskevopoulos.
Guest: Aristofanis Paganas, General Practice / Family Medicine Physician at the Litochoro Health Center. He discusses with Georgia Dimitriadou and Panagiotis Paraskevopoulos.

Episode 13 - Cancer Screening in Primary Healthcare: Basic Principles
In the thirteenth episode, we delve into the discussion of cancer screening and talk about its usefulness, available methods for its implementation, and the characteristics that make up an organized screening program.
A discussion between Giannis Galiotos, Eva Savvidou, Ilias Chatzitheofanous, and Manolis Smyrnakis.
A discussion between Giannis Galiotos, Eva Savvidou, Ilias Chatzitheofanous, and Manolis Smyrnakis.

Episode 14 - Accessibility of LGBTQI+ People to Health Services
In the fourteenth episode, we discuss the challenges faced by LGBTQI+ individuals in accessing health services, the consequences this has on their health outcomes, and what we as PHC professionals can do about it.
Guest: Ilias Pagkozidis, Resident Doctor in General Practice / Family Medicine at the General Hospital of Athens "Ippokrateio", MSc in Social-Preventive Medicine and Quality in Health Care. He discusses with Eva Savvidou and Panagiotis Paraskevopoulos.
Guest: Ilias Pagkozidis, Resident Doctor in General Practice / Family Medicine at the General Hospital of Athens "Ippokrateio", MSc in Social-Preventive Medicine and Quality in Health Care. He discusses with Eva Savvidou and Panagiotis Paraskevopoulos.

Episode 15 - Cancer Screening in Primary Healthcare: Breast Cancer
In the fifteenth episode, we discuss the risk factors for breast cancer, its primary and secondary prevention, the methods of its detection, the screening recommendations, and we analyze clinical scenarios of breast cancer investigation.
A discussion between Giannis Galiotos, Katerina Metochianaki, Panagiotis Paraskevopoulos, and Manolis Smyrnakis.
A discussion between Giannis Galiotos, Katerina Metochianaki, Panagiotis Paraskevopoulos, and Manolis Smyrnakis.

Episode 16 - Health and Accessibility in PHC for Refugees and Asylum Seekers
In the sixteenth episode, we discuss the health challenges faced by refugees and asylum seekers and the obstacles they encounter in accessing health services, the role of the state, and the role of primary health care professionals.
Guest: Apostolos Veizis, Physician and Executive Director of INTERSOS Hellas, member of multiple emergency missions, program manager for Doctors Without Borders and Doctors of the World, consultant for the World Health Organization and the International Organization for Migration, and member of the advisory board of the Lancet Migration European Regional Hub and the Dermatology Working Group for Migrant Health at the International Foundation for Dermatology. He discusses with Eva Savvidou, Panagiotis Paraskevopoulos, and Manolis Smyrnakis.
Guest: Apostolos Veizis, Physician and Executive Director of INTERSOS Hellas, member of multiple emergency missions, program manager for Doctors Without Borders and Doctors of the World, consultant for the World Health Organization and the International Organization for Migration, and member of the advisory board of the Lancet Migration European Regional Hub and the Dermatology Working Group for Migrant Health at the International Foundation for Dermatology. He discusses with Eva Savvidou, Panagiotis Paraskevopoulos, and Manolis Smyrnakis.

Episode 17 - Primary Healthcare: A Historical Review with a Look to the Future
In the seventeenth episode, we discuss the fundamental principles and history of Primary Health Care, which is a key thematic focus of our podcast, starting from the Alma Ata Declaration of 1978 and extending the discussion to the current Greek reality.
Guest: Alexios Benos, Emeritus Professor of Primary Health Care and Social Medicine, and one of the pioneers of Primary Health Care in Greece. He discusses with Panagiotis Paraskevopoulos and Eva Savvidou.
Guest: Alexios Benos, Emeritus Professor of Primary Health Care and Social Medicine, and one of the pioneers of Primary Health Care in Greece. He discusses with Panagiotis Paraskevopoulos and Eva Savvidou.

Episode 18 - Alcohol Use Disorder: Identification and Intervention in Primary Health Care
In the eighteenth episode, we discuss alcohol use disorder, the role of primary health care in early detection and intervention, the processes and tools for identifying alcohol misuse, and methods for intervention and motivating individuals to reduce and cease alcohol use.
Guest: Evangelos Grinakis, Psychiatrist and Scientific Associate at the Alcohol Clinic of the University General Hospital of Heraklion. He discusses with Eva Savvidou, Panagiotis Paraskevopoulos, and Manolis Smyrnakis.
Guest: Evangelos Grinakis, Psychiatrist and Scientific Associate at the Alcohol Clinic of the University General Hospital of Heraklion. He discusses with Eva Savvidou, Panagiotis Paraskevopoulos, and Manolis Smyrnakis.

Episode 19 - Spinal Cord Injury: Personal Stories
In the nineteenth episode, we welcome Dimitra, Maria, Rafaela, and George, four individuals with spinal cord injury who participated in the "SUPPORT" educational program. They share their personal stories and experiences with us.
Hosted by Panagiotis Paraskevopoulos, Eva Savvidou, and Manolis Smyrnakis.

Episode 20 - Voluntary Blood Donation: Challenges and Prospects
In the twentieth episode, we discuss blood donation, the process, the needs, the challenges caused by blood supply shortages, and the role of primary healthcare professionals in promoting the idea and importance of voluntary blood donation.
Guests: Despoina Adamidou, Hematologist and Director at the Blood Donation Center of Hippocrates General Hospital of Thessaloniki; Elli Ntinopoulou, Internist and Director at the Blood Center of AHEPA University General Hospital. Hosted by Manolis Smyrnakis.
Guests: Despoina Adamidou, Hematologist and Director at the Blood Donation Center of Hippocrates General Hospital of Thessaloniki; Elli Ntinopoulou, Internist and Director at the Blood Center of AHEPA University General Hospital. Hosted by Manolis Smyrnakis.

Episode 21 - Cancer Screening in Primary Healthcare: Cervical Cancer
In the twenty-first episode, we discuss cervical cancer, current epidemiological data in Greece and globally, risk factors with an emphasis on HPV infection, prevention measures, early detection and diagnosis methods, monitoring guidelines, and the cervical cancer screening program in Greece.
A discussion between Giannis Galiotos, Sophia Tzila, and Stella Lianou.
A discussion between Giannis Galiotos, Sophia Tzila, and Stella Lianou.
2nd Place Top Hot-Doc Awards, 9th Science & Society International Conference 2024 & Beyond Sciences Initiative

Award "I. Komninos" - Best Oral Presentation, 6th Hippocrates Panhellenic Conference of General / Family Medicine & P.H.C.