Women with Spinal Cord Injury (SCI) experience a daily life of reduced possibilities and correspondingly have difficulties in their interaction with health services. They are often under-represented in research involving people with similar health needs and are left with no opportunity to influence the services developed for them.
The study is carried out in the framework of the camp SUPPORT - Spinal cord injUry Peer supPORT training for women. The population of the study is the women with SCI, the group of peer mentors and health professionals and students, visitors of the camp.
This is a qualitative study approached through focus group discussions. Its purpose is to investigate the needs of women with SCI and their access to health services, to draw useful conclusions that will be included in the strategic planning of better quality and more efficient health services.
The SUPPORT project is implemented within the framework of the BUILD - Building a robust and democratic civic space program, with the implementing agency ARECS and partner Alli Opsi. BUILD is co-financed by the European Union, through the Citizens, Equality, Rights and Values (CERV) program, the Bodosaki Foundation and the NGO Support Center - Cyprus.